Communicate seamlessly across multiple channels with our omnichannel platform.


The way we communicate is constantly changing. Instant Messaging apps like Viber or WhatsApp have become the norm among end users and with increased use they are increasingly assuming an important role in the business environment, be it sending notifications and information or promotional communication and sales. 

Companies know where their customers and prospects are. However, as the number of messaging channels constantly grows, without the right tools, it is impossible to maintain seamless communication across all channels.

Our Omnichannel platform allows you to do just that – communicate across all channels your audience prefers, on a daily basis. You can use Omnichannel platform to maintain the conversation even if the recipient changes their device, location, or app. You can conduct your entire communication through a unique, intuitive interface.

Create an Omnichannel strategy for your business.

A conversation across different channels

The omnichannel allows for a seamless dialogue between companies and customers across all channels.

Interactive and rich-content experience that resonates with users

Ensure a superior user experience and invite users to interact using the different channel functionalities.

Global delivery within seconds

With worldwide connections and intelligent routing, you can reach up to three billion users where they want to be reached.

We'll show you how to optimize the flow of information in your company, as well as towards customers and the online audience.



messaging-omnichannel-platform-preview Messaging-Omnichannel-Platform-mobile-view
  • Powerful, scalable and multi-tenant
  • Tracking and evaluation of the delivery results
  • Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Number cleanup for always up-to-date contact lists
  • Intelligent routing with global connections
  • Separate test, production and live settings
  • Security with high-end monitoring
  • Powerful infrastructure on your own cloud in Zürich


Single interface, multiple channels

An interface that allows you to seamlessly integrate your existing systems such as CRM and customer service and use the possibilities of omnichannel in everyday life.


Intelligent routing

Our system automatically learns where you can best reach a customer and automatically sets the right channel for you. Whether SMS, WhatsApp, Voice, or RCS, etc. You are present everywhere.


With our e extensive experience and the technical know-how, we connect companies with their customers by making seamless conversation possible.

Accurate contact lists

Omnichannel platform will make sure your customer database is up to date with regard to telephone numbers. It comes with an integrated MSISDN-lookup feature.


Real-time analytics

Every single message is tracked. In the web portal, every company can track all messages sent and measure the campaign performance.


Connect with your users and audiences on all channels through our Omnichannel platform. Free evaluation of the strategy.


Omnichannel Marketing FAQ

1. Zašto Omnichannel?

Omnichannel rješenja unaprjeđuju vašu poslovnu komunikaciju na višu razinu. Svaka interakcija s kupcem utječe na kredibilitet vaše kompanije - ako ona olakšava i unaprjeđuje proces kupnje ili korisničkog iskustva, osiguravate zadovoljstvo vaših korisnika.

2. Što je Omnichannel messaging?

Omnichannel messaging najučinkovitiji je način za ostvarivanje dvosmjerne komunikacije s korisnicima. Taj se proces odvija kroz više komunikacijskih kanala istovremeno, putem samo jednog sučelja. Takav način komunikacije i prikupljanja podataka omogućava vam pristup cjelokupnoj komunikaciji i svim informacijama na jednom mjestu, što može uvelike unaprijediti vašu korisničku podršku, prodaju, marketinške rezultate, i zadovoljstvo vaših korisnika.

3. Kako započeti s Omnichannel strategijom?

Pri kreiranju omnichannel strategije važno je na prvo mjesto staviti potrebe korisnika, s ciljem postizanja što jednostavnijeg korisničkog iskustva - za svaku uslugu, na svakom kanalu. Uz našu pomoć i uporabu adekvatne tehnologije za komunikaciju, kreiranje kampanja, i preciznu analizu podataka, imate sve potrebne preduvjete za provođenje omnichannel strategije, a i ostvarivanje efektivne komunikacije na svim kanalima.

4. Koje su prednosti Omnichannel kampanja?

Omnichannel marketinške kampanje omogućavaju vam da se prilagodite potrebama korisnika slanjem personaliziranih poruka na svim kanalima. Jedna od naših platformi, OmniCampaign, može vam pomoći u postavljanju početne kampanje, te uvidom u podatake kampanje možete nadalje prilagođavati vašu marketinšku strategiju i pratiti njezine rezultate

5. Zašto je Omnichannel idealno rješenje za vaše korisnike?

Cilj Omnichannel komunikacije je prilagoditi poslovnu komunikaciju vašim korisnicima, u vidu slanja personaliziranih kampanja, povećanja prodaje, slanja podsjetnika, itd. Ako su vaše usluge dostupne korisnicima čim im one zatrebaju, postižete zadovoljstvo korisnika isključivo na temelju vaše lake dostupnosti i pristupačnosti. Slanje različitih kampanja putem messaging kanala također je i među financijski najisplatljivijim načinima za ostvarivanje izravne promocije.